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2017 Summer Camp


2017 summer camp will  start 

June 19 / 2017 and run through August 11, 2017, a total of 8 weeks.


During our Break Camp sessions, we offer 4 classes every day. Along with Math, English, Chinese and Art classes, we also offer enrichment classes like "Mad Science”. English public speaking, English creative writing, crafts, outdoor activities  and much more will be feathered.


The description of  Mad Science workshop   July 18-24 /2017



 3:30-4:30 pm 

Wacky water 7/18  Tuesday


    Create your own multi-density wave bottles while learning about water, waves and the environment. Explore the concept of density and learn about this remarkable substance that covers three-fourths of the earth’s surface.

Moving motion 7/19   Wednesday


Children catapult into Newton’s three laws of motion! They yank a cloth from under dishes, send crash test dummies flying and launch mini-rockets across the room. They see action-reaction forces at work with the twirling Newton Spinner take home.

Decomposer 7/20  Thursday

   Dig into the world of worms! Experiment to find the ideal worm habitat. Observe worms on the move. Experience how worms eat and take home your very own worm composter.



Dry Ice 7/21 / 2017  Friday


     Explore the 3 states of matter. Turn water into ice in 30 seconds, build a giant bubbling potion, carbonate plain drinking water and create the same awesome smoke illusions used in the movies … 


 Earthworks  7/ 24   Monday

   Take a voyage to the center of the Earth! We'll investigate the powerful process that shapes our planet and forms remarkable rocks, magnificent minerals, and glittering gems! Children will take home density stackers which they built themselves!

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